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AB 33: Romans

AB 33: Romans

A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary.This
full-scale commentary deals with the most important issues of the early
Christian church. An it is through the eyes of the apostle Paul, the major
figure of this period, that we see the dominant motifs and themes, the
theological essentials of the Christian faith. Who better than the once pious
Jew, converted to the Christian cause, to tell the reader about the early
struggles with Judaism, the reluctant yet nurturing mother of this new
community of faith?This volume is aimed primarily at Christians, because
the Epistle to the Romans is a part of their canon of Holy Scripture. But it is
equally valuable for all those who have an interest in learning about one of
the most important letters ever written by anyone, and in understanding the
world-shaking movement of which it was an essential part and to which it gave
powerful impetus.'[Fitzmyer's] exegesis is often magisterial. In
many of the crucial passages this work sounds far more Reformed than Catholic.
A weakness of this work is that it does not interact seriously with much of the
new perspective: Fitzmyer simply ignores it. Some of his short excursuses are
worth the price of the volume (e.g., on pistis iesou Christou in
3:21-26).' - D.A. CarsonSeries: Anhor Yale Bible Commentary, volume
33.Recommended € 99,90

AB 33: Romans


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